Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Snowy Morning

Snowy Morning Scene

It snowed last night. It is not as bad as forecast though. The world has not come to an end and the traffic is still moving. It is a case of the weather 'experts' crying wolf! Next time they will underplay it and we will get hit by blizzards, and even a scene from 'The Day after Tomorrow' I even wasted my money on snow grippy and spikey things for your shoes.....bah... I am sure they will come in useful though. One of the trees pictured here is growing incredibly fast. It was a little tiny fir tree when we moved here !!

Classic day at work - but tempered by a 30 length swim. We did SWOT analysis, but nobody really wanted to talk about the "W"... I think I might have preferred to do the PEST !! I secretly thought of the answer to all our problems but I am sure it would be not taken positively - as it would be a fundamental, innovative and transformative move. People don't like the big ideas or the major innovations any more. That's what you get in a climate of downsizing, KPIs, performance management and conservatism. On a more political and societal theme there were some good articles in the Guardian today - but nobody seems to listen to logical argument and positive suggestions any more. These are strange times and I hope people become less apathetic and wake up soon. There has never been a more opportune time for new inspirational leadership based on sound moral and political judgement.

So, when will this big freeze stop and when will the green shoots of recovery and imagination start?

Thoughts for a Snowy Day.....

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