Four, or perhaps more
stress engines started rolling slowly but determinedly towards me from opposite directions this week and I began to feel overwhelmed. I like to fight that kind of nonsense by immersing myself in a book, but I had just finished Elton John and I don't think this is quite the time to re-immerse myself in Varoufakis, who, when I last picked him up, was on the brink of the nose-dive I still recall so painfully. Neither is this the right moment to try to get all creative with a new and complicated Celtic knotwork design for some counted cross-stitch (although I am happy to report that last weekend I found a local source of top-quality embroidery threads).
So I nipped out to the local lending library to borrow a book in which to immerse myself. I quite fancied Robert Harris “Pompeii” which I have already enjoyed but which was not on their shelves, so I have picked up “Munich” instead.
I have also checked tomorrow's local cinema listings and found the perfect date to take myself out on
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