"Excuse me..."

"...can we go home early again today?"

"No Stella, the snow is melting and Mummy is busy"

"But I'm bored!"

"I know you are Stella, but, Mummy is busy right now. Granny has taken you out, Grandad has taken you out, I've taken you for a walk to the post office, you have a toy monkey and a nylabone, can't you play with them for a few minutes?"

"No Mummy I like it under the desk. Now you put these purple things on my feet so I can't make you panic when I fall on the wooden floors I'm going to give you a mini heart attack by getting tangled in all the computer/printer/telephone cables under here!"

"oh Stella, please lay on your bed just for a few minutes so I can finish this paperwork, then we can leave on time and be home for your dinnertime"

"But Mummy I'm hungry now! Look at my eyes, don't they look like the eyes of a starving Labrador?"

"No Stella, they look like the eyes of an attention-seeking Labrador who's only been allowed up in the office because Grandad's re-varnishing the wooden doors you've scratched!"

My baby girl has been a terrible velcro-dog today, constantly pestering for attention. I presume because Grandad did his *cross voice* at her when we arrived!

She's happy to be home & fed & curled up on the sofa with me now. Making sure that either her head or feet are touching me so she knows if & when I move!

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