Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Mum and I had a lovely crafty afternoon today at her friend Kate's learning how to felt! (for anyone who has no clue what that is here's a very basic example). Kate makes all sorts of things, her pictures are gorgeous but she has also made bags, scarfs, slippers etc.

I made a picture of....wait for it.....cherry blossom trees! Not sure how it will turn out yet but it was lots of fun. I think mum is quite taken with the felting (que crazy purchasing of loads of new craft materials...) and I loved making a pretty picture, but not so much all the hard work thats involved in the processes of turning the wool into felt (my arms and shoulders ache just from the wee bit I did today before Kate realised I was useless and took over, thank God!). If I could just do the wooly picture part and someone else did all the wetting, rubbing, rolling, squeezing etc then that would be perfect!

If what I did resembles a picture in any way once it's finished I'll blip it, I think it may just bee a fuzzy mess though, there was a supposed to be a bird in it which when I last saw it looked like a big grey blop splatted right in the centre!

Most excitingly I also met a lovely cat called Ruby. We had great chats and became firm friends, I wanted to sneak her into my bag and smuggle her home.

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, la la la la la"

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