Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Joyeuse Greve

Happy Strike!
Woke up to find confirmation that it has all turned to shit.
In our constituency, the Tory winner would have been defeated if all the anti-Tory votes had been consolidated behind a single candidate. But people didn’t vote tactically.
Boris now has his mandate to leave - with 47%.
Saddest thing was seeing working class constituencies who will suffer the most voting for Brexit.
One comment that I read resonated:
It’s not that the politicians lie, it’s that people no longer mind that politicians lie.

So, we have a lying, racist PM who despises vast swathes of his constituency.

Happy days.

Friday’s 7 a side game was short of numbers so, on Thursday afternoon, I changed the booking to a 5 a side pitch.
More people signed up overnight so changed it back.
People dropped out so rechanged.
Someone else dropped out with an hour to go but we managed to replace him. So we did get a good game of 5 a side but it was so much work. I don’t have time to do this but can’t seem to get anyone to stand up and take over...

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