Christmas Carries On

Strange to sit in the São Francisco church for the special service for the catechism children, and realize that, probably, no-one there was giving one thought to the UK election results.

Our kids have been trying to explain to us what happened, seems inconceivable that so many voted the way they did. There must be Blippers who voted that way, I sincerely would like to understand why, surely this is a place where we can respect each other's opinions...

Another mystery... why does everyone I follow on Blip feel like I do? I don't follow people because of their political leanings. Strange.

Anyway, gratefuls:
- realising there have been much worse leaders in the history of the world, and are now in other countries...
- seeing the church full of wriggling kids
- toast with smoked salmon, avocado, and cream cheese for supper, leftovers from having guests yesterday

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