Decisions, decisions......

To eat or not to eat, That was the question.....
Being cold somewhat changes one’s priorities and a cold breezy trek back over the Meadows from the hairdresser without the warmth of my beanie (which gives me hat hair and would negate the inordinate no of roubles which had just spilled from my purse to give me the latest look of Pensioner coolness), pushed me into deciding the fate of this funky little mince pie. -down the hatch it went, in two bites.

I seem to be permanently cold these days- a combination of the age of body and Dower House and the eye watering price of heating the draughts entering through windows and doors to whistle round my ankles.

Nevertheless I am looking forward to 5pm and being warmed by a seat in the Marriott nursing a TGIF glass of Pinot Grigio and enjoying the company of my neighbours.
I wonder if the Scottish election result will be discussed.........

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