The Coronation

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today I went to the dentist to get fitted for a crown. I do not recommend the procedure. My dentist is very good, but still it takes ages of someone poking at your gums. It wasn't much fun. 

"We were just looking at the election results," said the dentist, to keep my spirits up. "It looks like it's going to be very close."

Rrrrrrrrreally....? I thought. And I felt my spirits rise in a way they have not since Jacinda got in.

The process for getting a crown involves a break in the middle while they manufacture the little hat for your stub of a tooth. So I went off the waiting room and checked my phone.

I had to break the news to the whole dentist staff, and their reaction was a unanimous oh FFS.

Then it was time to get the crown fitted. This was even more annoying than the first part of the process. Lots of putting it on, taking it off, putting it on, taking it off, polishing it, poking my tooth, putting it on, taking it off...

Finally we were finished. The tooth felt fine but my gums felt pretty tender. "That should subside in a day or so," said my dentist.

Maybe so. The pain in my mouth will certainly subside much faster than the pain in your @rses, my lovely UK friends. You have the deepest sympathy of both myself, and all the staff at George Hunt Dental.


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