
By DrSandy

Locked up

Started my day, the usual way............... yoga, swim and sauna.

The blip is the lock of someone who used the locker near me.  I thought the little fortress etched on the lock, was cute, and a little unusual.

The complication today......it's raining.

It started last night and they predict is will go on for a week.  In addition to the dribbles, the temperature has gone from 33 degrees C, to 3 degrees C.

Okay, I am exaggerating, the cell phone says it is  around 13 degrees C, but it feels like 3.

Think this weather will keep "us"  LOCKED INSIDE.

This wasn't a problem today - I made my Hormones in Hamburger video, but it is going to be a problem, for my  lights at the zoo trip.  Eish !

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