
By Yeda

Exit Strategy

Sometimes a message lies right before me, just staring me right in the face.

My day started with Power Yoga. Ninety minutes of stretching, sweating, toning, and re-balancing. It had been a while, but it felt great. Like a rejuvenating stretch after a long sleep. Toward the end, while in a kind of tricky pose, our instructor reads a passage from a book she found in a garage sale.

There are no such things as mistakes, just life lessons.

Later tonight I attended a Stroud Lecture, featuring Bob Caputo, a world traveler, adventurer and twenty-eight year veteran photographer for National Geographic magazine. He was inspiring and insightful and from all the great stories and messages I gleamed from him there was one simple phrase he used that struck me.

It's not the song, but the singer.

Sitting and waiting for the lecture to begin this image also struck me, it just seemed like serendipity, but a great strategy just the same.

I have a lot to ponder tonight.

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