Christmas Tree II

It’s still a work in progress, especially since the lower branches have dropped and one very large ornament slid off, shattering and scattering shards of very sharp glass everywhere. This happens every year, probably because of the tree’s proximity to the furnace vent (which is closed but still lets warm air through) and the fireplace.

We just don’t have an ideal place to put a Christmas tree in this house, which is why we keep talking about not getting one. But that just doesn’t seem to be an option...for either of us! I imagine the shelter magazines would advocate taking down the Civil War commendation on the wall and not very festive, but what would I do with it? I don’t think I want Christmas to take over the entire house!

I dedicated this day to getting caught up on various fronts while John has spent the day on the phone with various entities trying to figure out why our solar panels aren’t activating. I put the radio on the classical music station and left it there while I tried to balance glass ornaments on slippery branches and worked on turning out scarf
Number one (of as many as I can manage.)

The weather cooperated in keeping me inside by looking pretty cold and dreary. We are over normal rainfall after the last couple of weeks. With any luck we can just enjoy the next couple of weeks without being reminded of climate change, politics, fires, floods or earthquakes. I certainly wish that for all of my Blip buddies as well....special thoughts to those in Australia dealing with bush fires and smoke pollution.

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