A tiny change of plan...

So... recently, Janet has not felt well and yesterday we went into renal outpatients for an unscheduled blood test. Her previous one had only been a couple of weeks back and all had been fine, but she felt something was wrong - and so it was. The results came in about eight o'clock last night. Her transplanted kidney function had plummeted.

Last night was, as you can imagine, sleepless. First thing this morning I was back on the telephone and got the renal Registrar to call her and admit her. The kidney was not failing and she was not rejecting it (two large sighs of relief) but there was a blockage which was impacting its function. She's had a minor op to put a drain in this evening, and then we'll see how things sort themselves out.

So... it's not often I've missed chairing the Parish Council meeting, but I'm fairly sure my apologies will be accepted. After all, what's the alternative? Not to accept them? :-)

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