Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A new use for the coffee table

What a horrible day, weather wise. Must have been really windy during the night, as there was even more rubbish than usual strew across the road, and indeed, in our front garden.

Wee Pretzel didn’t even want to come round to our place this morning... she HATES wind and rain. So she was very happy to snooze on various comfy places today, with a very quick nip out to the back garden.

I got organised enough to go to the Post Office with various sizes of cards and small packages to various places, having to be dealt with individually. I had thought it might not be busy, but how wrong I was! I had to queue for about half an hour, and then I kept apologising to the people behind me for taking so long. Good job done though.

JR took Archie round the block (Pretzel declined the invitation) and went to the local paint shop to get some sample paint pots for the front bedroom. Yes, more painting contemplated.

We had three deliveries! I love online shopping with next day delivery, although one thing I’d ordered weeks ago and must have come from China.

After trying really hard (I don’t normally) on the bike, I did my new back excises. In fact I did them three times today. On the coffee table. It's too hard for me to get down on the floor (you can’t kneel on replacement knees), and even harder to get up again, but the coffee table is a perfect height. 

The dogs are admiring the lights.

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