Kills 99.9%
I don't know about you but I'm pretty sick of hearing about the flu. How bad it is this year, how hospitals are over flowing w patients, how Dr offices don't have enough chairs and people are having to wait on the floor... How I need to get the flu shot. When I was little, I never remember hearing about the flu shot. Probably bc my Mama would have never let us take a shot for the flu. You just unfortunately had bad luck and felt like crap for a few days, you maybe threw up a couple of times in a bucket bc you couldn't make it to the toilet, (or maybe that was just my family) drank lots of fluids and missed school for a few days. That was it - Pretty simple to me! It also annoys me that every year is " the worst year ". I remember when Robby and I were flying to Aruba for our honeymoon, everyone was harping over the swine flu... Or maybe it was H1N1. Either way it's always drama with the flu and like Christmas, it comes every year. I'm sure next year will be the worst year EVER!
With that being said, today I am grateful for Lysol bc it kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria. Lysol has been around since 1918 and my Mama used it so it must work. I remember when I was younger, my brother (sorry Stephen) would come home from school and if I was sick (which was very often) he would spray Lysol into the air and breathe it in hoping that it would kill anything I could give him...Now that's someone who believes in the kills 99.9% motto.
Side note: Langan lost the battle and got his 1st of 2 flu shots today. They will scare you into believing anything I tell ya!
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