Sleepless in Torquay
I present 5 free range eggs in high key, well I hope I have. I like the idea of buying eggs individually, which is what I did in Morrison's supermarket on my last visit. They have trays of local free range eggs and you help yourself to however many you want at 20pence each. 20pence per half dozen more than I pay if I buy them from the local farm but their hens have gone off laying so it's hit & miss whether they have any, & the farm is'nt on a road I use other than to buy eggs. Is this high key? I'm not sure, I did do a bit of a search but it seemed to involve a lot of lighting and set up that I don't have so took the photo in the high key setting on my little Panasonic then converted to mono in Picasa.
Ella had a sleepless night, & strangely enough so did I. What with Storm Atiyah giving it some welly outside, & Ella's requests to go out during the night, 4 trips, 12.20, 1.40, 4.30 & lastly 5.50. I overslept, did'nt wake til 8.20, Ella was sound-o. Well, thank goodness for that. No storm damage, the wind had blown the greenhouse door wide open, & the magnetic birds had come off their stand but that was it.
Shower, breakfast, walk, rake up the last of the leaves then Xmas card writing ... I got as far as C then it was time to go and meet friend for lunch at Ella's Cafe Lounge at Broadsands. Easy enough to find as I'd asked Jose yesterday. It's a Rowcroft Hospice charity bric a brac shop with coffee & snacks. Very popular, Jeanette had just arrived before me & managed to grab the last table. Had a lovely couple of hours catch up before getting back to Ella.
Faffed around taking this photo then it was cider o'clock, a packet of crisps & Cash Trapped. New contestants tonight. Made an early dinner. Mushrooms & walnut pasta, a recipe I tore out of a paper a while back. Very tasty it was too. Not much on tv I switched to Channel 5, a programme presented by Chris Packham, can't remember the name of the programme but it was about the need to plant trees and raising £100,000 to plant 150,000 trees in the UK. Members of the Woodland Trust were also being interviewed and figures quoted comparing the amount of forested area in Sweden, France, & UK. We" were obviously the worst. Thank you Chris! So I was thinking.... hang on a minute, let's compare a few other figures and this is what I came up with ..
FRANCE 643,801km2
Population 66.99million
Total forested area 31%
SWEDEN 450,295km2
Population 10.12million
Total forested area 68%
UK 242,495km2
Population 66.44million
Total forested area 13%
I don't think we are as bad as he was making out. We'd obviously all like to hang on to our wildlife, and beautiful surroundings, but the population is increasing, houses are going up everywhere you look. It's inevitable, is'nt it. Tell me I'm wrong.
I'm off to read Wind in the Willows, next chapter, Dulce Domum! How apt
Thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday plus the tag Present/Shopping
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