My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Big Swimmer!

L finished the first level of “Big Swimmers” today. She has come along brilliantly again - as she does every swimming term.

Most notable this term has been her learning to float a bit on her back, start to use her arms properly (by trying to get them out of the water: “catch a star, touch the fish”), kicking up to the surface after jumping in, starting to learn to kneel dive off the side and, just today, she tried to take a breath when swimming to me from the wall.

We still love it!

Toddler Levels:
Badge 8 (the second time)
Badge 8 (the first time)
Badge 7
Badge 6
Badge 5
Badge 4
Badge 3
Badge 2
Badge 1

Baby Levels:
Badge 5
Badge 4
Badge 3
Badge 2
Badge 1

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