And here we see errr...

Out, yes through the wind and rain again, to Maldevic House, for a talk had been advertised on the History of Granton Harbour. Actually, what we got was a slideshow which suited me well enough I guess. Though its focus began to blur as the second hour progressed, shall we say. What is it about old blokes? We can’t all just be bores with no self awareness can we?
Anyway, later, it being a wet and windy day, a point I may have made earlier, I settled to watch some soccer, but as it was only Celtic winning yet another trophy (with an offside goal in our VAR free country) I switched over and caught up with MOTD. And then a film - Marriage Story which had some very good reviews indeed. And I do generally like that Baumbach’s stuff, but I thought it was a bit uneven - some of the black comedy worked, some was just too heavy handed. 
Still, later the excellent Giri/Haji which is one of the best things I’ve seen on TV this year. Or maybe even the best. At the risk of appearing like an old boring bloke, I may have to make a list.

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