
Today we had a change in itinerary.  First of all, we didn’t have to get up early.  Just as well after the late night fiesta music in the hotel!  Then we had some time to wander round Merida and gosh was it hot for 9am!  The market area in the square was buzzing and the beautiful cathedral was full to bursting with folk singing their hearts out – very moving.
After that we were going to a new place to visit a convent.  I thought I had read about it last night and was anticipating a peaceful visit to a convent where they made marzipan.  How wrong I was!  We ended up in a visit with an enormous monastery where there was a mass in progress, and another market and fair.  AND IT WAS FULL!  The coach got stuck on a one way street so we had to get off.  Then we had to follow a guide through the market and up a ramp into the monastery against the flow of the emerging congregation.  Our guide had plans to let us have a pee pee stop in the monastery but the queue for the ladies was about 400 metres long.  At that point he decided that we needed to leave the monastery – at about the point you can see in this Blip – to find a pee pee house and the coach.
WELL.  He found a loo in a bar which we could use if we had a drink.  OK.  Then he set off in a taxi in search of the coach.  He found it somehow and then organized minibuses to take us all to the coach after we had walked back through the market place and fair…
Anyway.  We are now in Chichen Itsa where we are due to visit the archaeological site early tomorrow morning.  We need to sort the luggage as after that we are off to the airport and our flight home.  Better find some warmer clothes to wear…

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