Country File

By marypot

Super Grace

At tea time Grace demonstrated how to turn her school cardi into a superhero cloak and used her Mickey Mouse mallow lollipop as a magic wand.

Busy day today. The predicted snow didn't arrive overnight thankfully. We were due to visit family and friends but as my niece and her son were poorly we cancelled this morning's visit and headed to IKEA instead. Now I know that many people abhor IKEA but I rather like it. Maybe it's as a result of my Scandinavian studies at uni and stint at Swedish University? ;)

The journey got a bit snowy but it was only a few centimetres on the A69 and had eased off by the time we reached town.

Now that Ophelia is three I was able to deposit her at soft play in IKEA for an hour whilst I took Arwen and found the stuff I was looking for. Did this very quickly, so I then had 45 minutes free to feed Arwen in the cafe, get a free cuppa courtesy of my IKEA Family card and scoff an entire bar of hazelnut chocolate too. Was rather blissful actually.

After that we went to collect Ophelia who had been playing happily in the ball pool for an hour it seems, and then we went back to the cafe for lunch before buying our stuff and heading up the A1 to Slatyford.

In the afternoon we visited my friend who I've known since preschool. She has a four year old girl and the two little ones played happily whilst the grown ups had a good gossip.

Later, I had also arranged to meet someone from Freecycle in town to give them some of our baby stuff. It felt very odd saying goodbye to the little baby bath and some of the first size babygro suits. Arwen is growing up so quickly. At my friends' house this afternoon we could have sworn she tried to wave several times and mouth hello. It's scary how quickly newborns develop into little people.

Tonight I took Arwen to a preschool committee meeting as I'd missed the last two or three, but that was one thing too far for her today. Her teething gums seemed to be bothering her and I think she had just had enough and wanted to go home to bed. So did I to be honest ;)
14/365 completed!

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