Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

two skinny ladies, number 11,

Sams birthday! Plans for a laid back birthday went "richt oot the windae" thanks to snow, blizzards, viral infection riddled little sister, gridlocked snowbound traffic, a surprise evening meeting at his school (well, a surprise to me when I opened his school bag at 6am to find the meeting notice...I never made it). But Sam wasnae bothered by such setbacks. He still got a takeaway curry, birthday cake, presents, spoiled by Gma and Gda in their cosy house and here he is, painting the current addiction...warhammer sets...with beardyface face, who I think secretly finds painting the wee bits of plastic a bit like some Zen like relaxation technique. And I got to work for 7 am before the white stuff made an appearance.

The kingseat hill just short of home is always a whiteknuckle ride when the white stuff's on the go but we are all home safe now, Tess is less rashy and is crafting it up in the living room and the rest of us are no doubt getting incidentally totally high on the smell of warhammer glue if you ask me, no wonder kids get addicted to the gamesworkshop, #itsallabouttheglue.

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