horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Back in the Saddle

It has been two months, give or take, since the geared hub on the Elephant Bike stopped engaging third. In theory I can take the hub apart to try and sort it, and I may end up doing that, but with a knackered rim, and about 4 broken spokes, I finally made the decision to just get the parts and build a new wheel.

I'd forgotten how heavy he is to ride, but this was also my first bike commute in a couple of weeks (cycling just hadn't been sorting out my head the way it usually did), and into a monster headwind first thing, it was always going to be a struggle. But it felt great today, even with the wind and the rain.

Now I just need to sort the cross bike, hold onto the refound mojo, and get myself ready for a short series of four races in the New Year.

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