Monkey Puzzle

Gales throughout the morning, dying off this evening and now fairly calm.  It was heavy showers and rain most of the day, clearing tonight.

Another day working on the museum desk.  It was a busy start to the day, getting quiet after lunch.  I have managed to avoid the rain when out walkies this morning and after work.  Me, mam and dad popped by friend Julie.  Dad made her a pallet Christmas tree for the garden.  Quiet night by the fire now.

Me and mam had been discussing monkey puzzle trees a few weeks back, and how they were dying out in Chile, and reports that Scotland was the perfect climate to keep them growing here.  Even up here in Shetland, they do good, mine is still a peerie moot in my garden.  This one grows at the back of the old Wishart's Shop, at Flanderstoon, Cunningsburgh.  

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