Work begins.

Months ago we bought a house in Fife, near St Andrews. We have finally divested ourselves of tenants and can get our hands on the property. A lot of work needed. Will keep us busy for a while. 

1. Moved an enormous fridge in the kitchen, behind it was a hidden pantry!
2. I busied myself with removing dozens of shelving units and started ripping out one of the bathrooms.
3. Mrs FP reprising her former occupation as a stripper (I kid you not).
4. Murdo helped by doing what he does best.

The heating was a mystery, pushed all the buttons and nothing happened. Took a while to work out that it was the wireless controller that had dead batteries. Replaced them and as cosy as toast (you can even work it from your phone!)
Next? I'm removing all the skirting boards and putting them back on properly. That'll keep me busy all day I imagine.

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