Immediately after I switched on the Christmas Tree lights this morning, there was a power cut. It took me a few minutes to realise I hadn't tripped a fuse, or worse, somehow knocked out our neighbours' power supply as well as our own. It was a coincidence of timing, power outages are rare things with us these days, and then we realise just how much we depend on an uninterrupted supply of electricity.
I was wrong yesterday in my observation that the redwings are departing from the Knott, there were large numbers again this morning in the yews on the shilloe side of the hill as Gus and I headed for home.
After yesterday's bright sunrise, today's was a more subdued affair. Though the sun did come out shortly afterwards during the power cut, illuminating the house sparrows perching on the arching rose stems. I hadn't noticed until now just how many sparrows are using our next door neighbour's roof space. If she ever gets round to making it wind and weatherproof, they will be left homeless. The starling that I blipped in the breeding season attracted a mate and had a family, and they are still using the roof space too.
Thank you for all the comments on yesterday's reappearance blip. When I try to start blipping again after an absence, I am always full of admiration for the commitment and focus of the many blippers who manage to maintain a daily journal unbroken year after year. My average blip rate has steadily declined, and after 9+ years I still haven't reached my 5th year anniversary. 2020 perhaps?
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