Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

A Bit Skew-Wiff?

You can decide if I'm describing this building, or my efforts to write today's entry.  

I've been at a book-launch at Riddell's Court, featured above, and the organisers had laid on a generous supply of wine with which to speed the enterprise. And I was travelling by bus, and meeting up with old friends and acquaintances, so what better excuse for an afternoon tipple?   Other than that it has removed any inclination to do anything much for the rest of the day. 

The book in question has the catchy title 'Box Hats and Bluestockings', and is a collection of memories of my old school, put together by a fellow FP. The hats were hideous - there's a shot of one in the extra, well-worn (they got a lot of mistreatment, as we all hated them). Being seen in public sans hat was treated as a very serious offence, yet in other respects it was a tolerant and happy place. As for Bluestockings, well, we were the Creme de la Creme ........ or so we thought ........

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