Crinkled (Day 1671)

After the morning woofer wander today, I had a call out to a job in town.
The customer had spoken to me yesterday insisting that his heating was airlocked, which I found quite difficult to believe knowing the system reasonably well. It took me around five minutes to diagnose the problem which was stopping some of his radiators working. 
I picked up a few things from Tesco before heading home, and was busy batch cooking by the time  my beautiful wife came home from doing hoss stuff. 
After lunch, we took the woofers for a very windy wander at Lyde, then back home to deal with more batch cooking. 
As HV trundled off to work, I made a start on hooking up a new stereo in the truck. It should have been an easy plug in job, but I had to fabracobble the connections to allow me to installify it. Surprisingly it works, though the permanent live supply to it appears to have failed and the radio forgets all of its presets when the ignition is turned off. I will sort it when I have time during daylight hours.

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