Finishing touch...'s always Katie's job to put our angel on the tree. She'd had a rubbish day at school so I was particularly glad that I'd managed to get the tree up and trimmed ready. I'd bought a couple of new baubles today then upset myself by smashing the most lovely of the ones that I'd chosen. Because I'm stubborn, it's still on the tree with the smashed side turned away. It's too pretty to throw out! 

She's out at band tonight, but has just been doing Christmas carols on her clarinet as well as rehearsing her solo for the school concert. She's not done very much on her clarinet at home since her NCO audition in October, if anything. Sh'es playing it a couple of times a week in various ensembles but actual practise has been limited. We need to find her a teacher and we need to find some more time....! 

(Check me out - three days, three camera images, three posts ON THE RIGHT DAY!)  

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