Too many ...

Far too many Ali’s! Bit of a cottage industry going on here. I like to make my Christmas cards, but this year was a bit stuck for ideas, and no snow to inspire! The trouble with making ones own cards is it sets a precedent and I find people telling me they love to get my cards. No pressure! So I went through old photos and decided on this one for all my doggy friends. They are laid out like this waiting for the little sprinkling of glitter to dry. Glitter? Ummmm not entirely eco friendly, but I’ve had it for years, and either way it’s going into the environment, throw it away or use it. When this pot has all gone I shall use the biodegradable glitter. Although I have to say it did seem to disintegrate when I washed the brush.

Added the extra to show the diversity of my life, it’s where I park to train on a Tuesday..... bit muddy to say the least!

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