
A shrub outside in the shared courtyard that has managed to weather the attacks of Cameron's  ( gardener ) hedge trimmer and produce these magical flowers. Something special I think about plants that flower in December.

Pilates for me today and a library visit.

I listened to 4 hours of Vasiy Grossman's "Stalingrad " over the W/E, so instinctively listened to " Stalingrad : Destiny of a Novel " 9.45 on 4.   Anton Lesser's familiar voice drew me into the horrors of Ukrainian Jew's in 1941, in which Vasily's mother died. He never forgave himself for not getting her to Moscow in time to save her. He, his wife, 2 sons plus 2 others were living in a 2 room flat. His wife and mother did not get on. Hence the reason he put off bringing his mother to Moscow.

I read Vasily's " Life and Fate " when it was first published. I'll request " Stalingrad" from our wonderful library and thank the gods I did not have to endure such a fate.

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