Barking mad.

When our daughter was in junior school she was off sick and  J was looking after her while i was working. They met me from work, and announced that WE had a Jack Russell dog. I said, you had better be joking, but they weren't.They had gone to have a look at a puppy and fallen in love with it and brought it home, thinking I would be okay with that decision. I was absolutely furious, but decided to keep it for a few days in case I changed my mind. I did, eventually, although it took a long time for me as I really didn't want a dog at that time. Moving on, J went to visit a friend last week, and when he got back, he came in the house & said, I've got you a Jack Russell and he is sitting on the back seat, I was dull enough to go & look and very relieved to find it was this little garden ornament. He was  in a sad state of repair, and over the last few days, J has been giving him a coat of paint in the garage. While I was at the gym this morning, he put the final touches to Harley, and I was thrilled to see what a good job he has done. He is now sitting on our patio, and I can see him from our bedroom window. I hope he scares away some of the cats:-)

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