Day 1

Day 1 of advent... Day 1 of a little resolution from Mama to get out my camera. Day 1 of finding some moments of peace, special, sparkle, happy in amongst a lot of chaos. 

Day 1 of remembering to blip, because I miss it. I miss chatting to my blip friends.  I miss journalling properly each day, rather than rushing to backblip a whole series in short, rubbish captions and missing the moments that when I look back in future years make me think "oh I'm so glad I wrote that down". Life moving too fast at the moment, I'm going to find a way to catch it a bit better.... 

Her day started at 6.30 when she came in to me full of her joyful "it's advent" that she always have. It delights me how much this time of year means to her - and how it's absolutely never about the forthcoming arrival of presents. Advent itself is special to her. She delighted in going to the lounge and seeing what had appeared overnight. I hadn't done our tree, but the piano lights had come out, the little decorations that go round the room. Along with a surprise advent calendar from B and a Harry Potter lego calendar from mama, together with her beautiful wooden tree calendar that we've had as long as she's been in my life. It all delighted her. 

She had a happy facetime with B, showing off her crazy Christmas tree and chattering away. It was her last proper day at YYM for this term - concert next week but then she's missing the rest of the day. She loved taking Ferdy for the first time and her ensemble tutor commented on how beautiful he sounded. She also had a great time playing percussion in one of the improv pieces, as well as clarinet and bassoon for others! She'd taken her phone with her today and didn't text me at all. I was quite surprised, its unusual at YYM, but when I picked her up she said "I was fine, I had lots of fun with my friends!". Such a big relief! 

YYM was followed by a dash to a friend's birthday party which was followed by a wonderful evening sharing in my niece's baptism. So proud of her, seeing her standing there and declaring her faith and sharing the evening with us. Also, what's not to love about a church with chocolate during collection, table tennis after and a bar! 

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