Under Helm


Where G was born.
I wandered round old haunts and then rather overdid it walking up Blindtarn and onto Silver How. I love Blindtarn. It’s a little frequented part of the valley and it is, as its name suggests, a blind tarn full of bog, moss and juniper.
As I walked through all my memories and our memories it seemed only natural that Blindtarn will have some far back memory of a time after the ice age when fresh water filled its glacial hollow.

I'm back in the world of internet connectivity at last, no thanks to BT who have been astoundingly dreadful. I switched to EE who have been astoundingly helpful. The very nice Geordie Ged got it all underway. It all got a bit tricky but eventually, thanks to the excellent detective work of engineer, Richard, it was established that someone had been working in the wire box between me and the holiday cottage next door and had cut me off. They needed a cherrypicker so the next day Nathan arrived and finished the job. With no one else resident here all I knew was that it had been fine one minute and then I went to work one day and it was off when I came home. Thanks to these chaps persistence it has all been sorted. Something BT seemed incapable of doing.

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