Breakfast with Mr Tumble
After a fairly peaceful night, for me anyway because I sleep like the dead, I got up at about 0730 to feed Jonty who woke me up. Marlane was up a couple of times in the night though and Hendrix finished up in her bed HAHAHAHAHA
I was downstairs when Lennon came into the kitchen with Buddy. I changed Buddy, gave him a bottle of 6oz, which he sucked dry very quickly.
Marlane sorted out some clothes for Buddy and Hendrix and they sat watching Mr Tumble (Justin Fletcher, sometimes in drag).
Around 10.00 Joanne came around with the double buggy pram and after a short stay she carted them all off home. Daniel wasn't with her, he was still in bed. Apparently he had a slight headache from the festivities of last night! (I'll not elaborate HAHAHAHAHA).
Lennon is so good and helpful, he looks after those two babies as if he was their father. He got, and very well deserved, a supplement to boost his pocket money before he went home.
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