Holly Jolly

After a good night last night and early(ish) to bed I got up at 8am and got ready then ran the 3.5km from the hotel to Ruchill Park for a bit of parkrun tourism.

Enjoyed the new course and meeting a bunch of locals them ran back to the hotel. All in all a good start to the day.

You know you’re addicted to parkrun when the first thing you do when away is look up the local event!

Back to the hotel for a freshen up then drove to Blantyre to meet MrsT and L who were brought through by C and A for the Holly Gymnastics competition.

The girls did really well finishing 2nd on the team comp. L finished 6th on bars and 8th overall.

Off to the cricket club tonight with mate A for a few beers to let the girls watch their reality tv programmes.

I’m taking one for the team :-)

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