Friday: Jack

This isn’t actually my picture, it’s K’s.  Once a week she volunteers at a cat sanctuary and today we wanted to give a shout out to little Jack.  He’s a bit hard to see as he’s completely black.

K is not quite sure of his story but he liked to live on the counter top and was known for hoovering up all the leftovers and bits and pieces.  He’d been in the shelter for about 3 years and was about 19 or so.

Recently, he hasn’t been doing well and today it was decided that he would have to go the vet and probably wouldn’t be coming home.  So K. gave him lots of love and affection for his last few hours.  One of the staff called another volunteer, known as a ‘kitty comforter’, who had known Jack since he first arrived at the shelter and he came over and spent some time holding Jack in a blanket.

It’s nice to know he was sent off with love.  

Apparently black cats tend not to get adopted as they don’t show up well on photos and so are not Instagram material.........

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