21 Again (Lost In The Trees), Aylesford

At last, after what seemed like days and days, the sun came out and even though the temperature dropped like a stone, it was glorious. Saturday is my sacrosanct day for trying not to anything I don't want to do, especially after this week's fractured commuting (leaves on the line, train faults and prematurely terminated journeys) and sudden increase in workload (which I was not expecting!).
When I saw this birthday balloon twisting high up in the trees it got me thinking about the connections between melancholia, nostalgia and regret. I found life when I was that age mostly mortifying, as I was crippling shy and introverted so I don't remember my 21st with any great affection. With time, though, you do look back at both the positives and negatives, and the good memories are often more crystal clear than the bad ones.
I realise I am probably very much still an introvert but I don't have a problem with that any more, unlike when I was younger and really regretted not being more outgoing. I've discovered I'm often at my happiest with a camera in my hand, just looking around at what inspires or interests me. Photography is definitely my passion, I'm so glad it has found me and I've found it.
Extra is called " Lightbulb Moment" - a metaphor if ever there was one!

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