
By Jillybean

No Pants Party

I met Arthur in the city today to go ice skating. Bryant park is super cute, it was a lot of fun. Little kids are a liability on ice though. Not this girl, super coordinated like my home girl Michelle Kwan.

Hit up the New York Public library afterwards. It's magnificent there. I wish the Bing lib looked like that. I'd be much happier.

Ate dinner at Juniors and headed to Union Square where there was an obscene amount of people in their undies. Apparently there is a such thing as a Underwear Subway ride or something. I would have absolutely joined if I was wearing my good undies. Looked like a party. Had dessert at Max Brenner's. my fav. Beebopped to Times Square for a bit and then decided to do some more ice skating. Marvelous day.

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it."
-Peter Pan

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