Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lots of activity!

After our rigorous gym sessions this morning, we decided to have a go at the back garden. It looks a proper mess (I sit on my bike and look out at it every morning) but two of the residents upstairs have always claimed they'd look after it, so we've never bothered. Leaves picked up, a quick go over on a high set mower, weeds pulled - looks much better.

Such a super dry, still, cold, and blue skied day - perfect. We went into town (me by bus, JR and Archie walking though the Meadows) and met in the Grassmarket. Catching the last bit of sun, it looked lovely. (Extra)

All the dog friendly cafes were busy, so we walked back over the Meadows and tricked Archie in to the Red Box (he's always alert coming the other direction). They had scones left! Yum yum.

Hazel and her visitor, Hilary, came for drinkies and nibbles in the evening, and a pleasant time was spent talking about living in South Africa (Hilary does) and travels. Holidays were the main topic.

Visitors have departed, and we're now watching the 'Most Scenic Railways in the World' - Switzerland. Many years ago we did a lot of these trips with our special Swiss friend. We'd love to do it again...

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