The Pepper Patch

By PepperG


Today was a busy day. Reading the Sunday paper this morning with a cup of coffee in hand, then church followed by a drive south to Hillsborough County. The strawberry harvest has begun and Plant City arguably has the best strawberries produced anywhere in the US. There's one particular farm stand that we like and after strawberry shortcake for lunch, we bought a flat of the fruit to bring home to process and freeze.

Of course I brought my camera, confidant that I'd come away with an image that would become today's blip. The problem, and isn't there always a problem, was a surplus of riches once I downloaded the photo files to my computer. Should I choose one of the two closeups that struck my fancy, a juicy red strawberry or the pretty weeds. Perhaps a tongue in cheek selection, a choice between a pair of signs posted prominently by the cash register "We prosecute all shoplifters, old or young, and pay our employees twenty dollars for each one they catch. Go ahead, make their day" or "Stressed spelled backwards spells desserts'. Perhaps the long line spilling out the door and into the parking lot or the colorful images of produce and canned goods.

Obviously you know that none of these made the cut but the point, my friend, is that until fifteen minutes ago, I didn't know that I would choose this particular fantasy of shiny paint, sparkling chrome, and horsepower. Go figure.

All in all a very good day, New England beat Houston in the playoffs ..... and the adventure continues.

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