
By DancingAly


A relieved room all round I'd say. 

God I'm so tired, every morning I struggle with getting up, and then as soon as I'm ready, I feel great and good to go! The problem seems to be that my mind fires up in the evening, when I should be making an effort to get to bed earlier....

A good day at school. We made a paper skeleton together this afternoon, sung the skeleton song and then had them make their own. I'm quite enjoying the 'dough disco'- a little activity set to music, each with their own ball of play dough to help them to develop their fine motor skills. It's quite therapeutic! 

I find myself getting increasingly nervous about going to college. Tonight it was with good reason. I didn't even finish my snack before I went. We had to voice record our triad session for an assignment. We did the same thing last year, but this time I feel a bit underprepared as we've only done one session since September.

After we got going, I felt a bit more at ease, until it was my turn. I could have run I was that nervous, but actually it went better than fine! I got good feedback from the others- they were quite complimentary actually. When the tutor was deciding the groups earlier, a lady in mine said she'd prefer not to have me in a particular role as I have a quiet voice..... it wasn't meant maliciously at all, but it did make me feel a bit meh. 

It was a strange session as it took over an hour to do the triads and then we ended up with a kind of criteria clinic and chit-chat before we were handed our assignments back. I was pretty stunned to see the whole page filled with 'pass' as I'd genuinely imagined I'd have to redo parts of it. 

I came home buzzing. I think it's that feeling of having conquered something you feared. 

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