Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder

Evening all.

I always think of January as a dangerous month.

Coming as it does with the post Christmas depression and the Ersatz celebrations of New Year i feel decisions about life, the universe and everything are best left until February or March at the earliest.

Today was the day i renewed my blip membership, and then, within the space of a few hours, i fell totally out of love with blip.

No reason, no rhyme, just couldn't see the point of it anymore, it'd run its course and i was happy with that decision.

Yet here i am, one week later, back on the old backblip trail and catching up on what i've missed, whilst thinking about walking out into the snowy night to see if i can get a late night blip.

So, decision deferred til a later date, probably when my blip membership runs out again..( yes, i am that tight!)

night all


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