Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Photos Taken Shortly Before Disaster

Why, WHY, do I keep forgetting about my Build-A-Bear Ninja Turtles toys having plushie weapons that Lexi and Freddie love to beat me with?!

In less than an hour with them, I got called a cheeky monkey, beaten repeatedly with plushie nunchucks and bo staffs, hugged about 50 times, told I'm only allowed to go to Disneyland if I am the Anna to Lexi's Elsa, had both of them get stuck inside my dress after trying to crawl under me, got told I am a pickle, been threatened with having my face bitten off but then just been licked instead, had a "kiss" from a half eaten slice of pizza, played "golf" with a small plushie Pac-Man and ghost, and been twatted in the face with a Death Star cushion. Standard.

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