White out

We got some snow today................no white out though.......sleety half hearted snow.
It was exciting for a bit, I took John and his friend up Corstorphine hill. They had their bikes and I had a sledge. There was more mud than snow.
They made me drag the sledge around the hill with two huge snowballs in it to find more snow. It became too difficult to drag as there was no snow so we broke up the snowballs and had a mini snowball fight in the middle of the woods.
Then we came across the old walled garden bit that some kids have turned into a kind of skills park for biking, all humps and bumps. So they had a go on their bikes but most of it was too scary for them so they sledged a bit there on the 'hardly there' snow.

So much mud and so much fun!!

I wish I was a kid sometimes.

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