Tiny Tuesday .....

.... Tiny Plainfield Chipmunk.

What an incredibly lovely and warm day we had today!  The high was in the low 60's and it was all sunshine .... all day!

That being said it shouldn't surprise you that I went up to the Plainfield Rail Trail in search of Tiny Tuesday chipmunks!  And I was rewarded immediate upon my arrival!

This sweet tiny chippy was the only one I saw today so he was also rewarded by yours truly.  I just couldn't get enough of his cuteness .... I took over 200 pictures!  Of course, the photos weren't all of this chippy. I have added an extra with more chippy pics but also the beautiful Northern Cardinal who's a regular along the trail. 

I braved stopping at the grocery store on my way home where I picked up some bratwursts to grill tonight.   Yes ... it's even warm enough to grill.  Yummm!

I paid cash for my groceries (who does that any more?!?) which totaled $10.06.  I handed the clerk (who was NOT a young person!) $10.11 with the thought of getting 5 cents back. She then made a comment about being grateful that the cash register figures out the change!  What!?! That seems like simple math to me and not something that can't be figured out all on your own .... sigh ....

Oops!  I have only just seen that the theme for TT is "Seasonal". Not sure that this chippy fits in with the theme but it is unseasonal to see them up and out of their burrow this time of year!  Sorry Debbi!

And one more thing .... I saw my first flock of snow geese today at the Nazareth quarry. Winter is just around the corner now.

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