Slothful Sunday

This is our bespoke year planner, it has all the immediate family birthdays etc pre-printed onto it, you do not want to know how much it cost but it was Clare and my "self gift" at Christmas. Anyway it is the whole year at a glance.
Joshua's match was cancelled due to the condition of the pitch so they trained hard for almost two hours.
Local supermarket for the weekly shop, maybe it's just me but are supermarket prices going through the roof? Look at how many shoppers now carry baskets as opposed to trollies.
Home and more bits 'n' bobs around the house, whilst Sam and Josh went off to the new play area in Kimberley Park Clare and I;
Put pictures up in Joshua's room
Cleared and cleaned Samantha's room
My paperwork up to date
Worked on Clare's essay.
After an absolutely belting roast with homemade cheese sauce it's time for the Sunday Telegraph in front of a blazing fire.
Happy Days

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