
By SecretBlipper

House for an Art Lover

Went to the Christmas Fair, with J, at House for an Art Lover several rooms over a couple of floors were given over to craft stalls, we spent “a few pennies” on Christmassy things. There were some of the regular displays in the non stall areas, this Kimono was on a landing in the stair well lit by the watery winter daylight.
For those who don’t know about the House for an Art Lover, it was Charle Rennie Macintosh’s winning entry in a design competition in 1901 but was not built until 1996. The building has all the Macintosh features inside and out and is a venue for cultural exhibitions, weddings and functions. It is set in Bellahouston Park in the South Side of Glasgow. 150 blips, it’s taken a long time to get here.

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