Susitna Sunshine

By amyegill


I am so excited I can hardly sit still. Doozzer here. Today I was introduced to our new adventure and home on wheels. My staff, humbly known as mom and dad, have been telling me about their search for it for weeks.

I jumped right in and checked it out and do you know what is best about it? I walked right onto the kitchen counter from the couch. How cool is that? Well mom is not so much in a how 'bout that mood about that discovery but we are still overjoyed.

She also explained to be that I am now part of a package called celtichounddog. The way she explained it and how we'll do some blogging and twittering made me think I am now a brand. She said we don't use that word. Not sure what all that up tightness is about but we are a package (I could have told her that when we three got married - another story, another day) now on a road adventure.

So to complete this longwinded story, that is why our blipfoto name will be changed to celtichounddog this evening.

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