Ella could'nt bare to look
& I was'nt bothered either, so quickly searched for something of interest to watch ... nada! I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here .... I only recognised 1 person and that was the ex footballer. What a load of twaddle!
A fairly hectic day, not quite as originally planned but nothing that could'nt be postponed. Ella & I had our morning bimble without getting wet, so that was a result. Plenty of heavy rain in the night though, so everywhere was sodden. Next job, buy some provisions for Mum plus cider for me, drop them off in CK, thankfully deciding NOT to take the shortcut through Teigngrace., the road was impassable. The staff in the Coop need a rocket up their backsides, they are so slow, the queues, getting longer & longer at the 3 checkouts, the member of staff, merrily chatting away to the customer she was serving about sciatica, exercises to do, what breed a dog she had, then the customer discussing his bad back, & what breed of dog he has, THEN, he decides he want to buy cigarettes but not queue at the other checkout so not only holding up the transaction at the checkout, but also interrupting the assistant at the tobacco till. Unbelievable! I get frustrated every time I shop there . I hear ya! Change supermarket. I would but Mum likes to shop there as she's used to where everything is. The staff would'nt last 5 mins in any other supermarket chain I'm sure. .....& breathe. :- ) Next stop Mum's to drop of her groceries, & sack of dog food. Tick! Then back to Chudders, hubby is not feeling too good so I check on him, make a speedy roast lunch, lamb chops, spuds, carrots, brussel sprouts, for us both. Pick up a needle & cotton, I can't find either at Nicky's. some art bits for my next lino cut that I've started. A bit of a challenge this one, I really need to concentrate. That could be tricky.
2.45pm. I need to get back to Ella. The slip road onto the A380 is closed so have to make a detour, just about have time to stop off at Otter Nurseries to grab some bird food. I want to hang the feeders where I can see them from inside the house as there are lots of birds about. I picked up a pack of violas, & Chionodoxa bulbs to brighten up a tub that I believe has agapanthus in, which have died back leaving a bare pot. There was Xmas animation overload happening. I could no way work in that environment.
Back to base, Ella was sound asleep. I raked up the leaves from the birch & weeping pear, quickly planted up the bulbs and violas, grabbed the bird feeders, filled one with fruit & berry fatballs. A BOGOF :- ) the other with a seed mix, so hopefully there will be some bird activity tomorrow. Then it began to rain again.
Watched the end of Tipping Point, then celebrity Chase. Time for a cider & sarnie ... smoked trout, avocado & mayo. Ella went bonkers .. I thought she was going to jump on my lap. I would'nt have taken her for a trout & avo sarnie kinda gal but she readily accepted the tit bits I offered her. I hope there won't be any repercussions later ... I've had a few of those already. :- (( Then it was time for Strictly ...a few wobblies tonight ... but who will be going home I wonder?????
Now 11.15pm .... quickly wash up the dishes, then sleep.
Thanks to admirer for hosting
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