Cymhleth o ffyrdd yn arwain i bob cyfeiriad

Cymhleth o ffyrdd yn arwain i bob cyfeiriad ~ A complex of roads leading in all directions

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Heddiw daethon ni yn gyfarwydd gyda'r siopau yn Groes Cwrlwys.  Dydy e un grŵp o siopau.  Mae'n sawl grŵp o siopau gyda llawer o fyrdd prysur rhyngddyn nhw. Aethon ni i M&S oherwydd bod Nor'dzin eisiau ffeindio côt gaeaf newydd.  Pan roedden ni eisiau ymweld â siopau arall roedd anodd croesi ffyrdd - gyda llawer o gwthio botymau ac aros.  Weithiau roedd e'n haws gyrru rhwng y siopau.  Roedd e'n lle rhyfedd - ond daethon ni o hyd i bopeth roedden ni ei eisiau.

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Today we became familiar with the shops in Culverhouse Cross. It's not one group of shops. It's several groups of shops with lots of busy roads between them. We went to M&S because Nor'dzin wanted to find a new winter coat. When we wanted to visit other shops it was difficult to cross roads - with many pushing buttons and waiting. Sometimes it was easier to drive between the shops. It was a strange place - but we found everything we wanted.

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