A gift
At the end of the presentation by Stephen Raw last night he announced that he had a box of letters that came from the pipe shades on the new pipe organ in Manchester Cathedral.
Words were laser cut in the walnut veneer applied to MDF. The letters are slightly different depending exactly where it lets the sound out from the 4800 pipes hidden inside the organ. The website is most interesting
We were each allowed to take a letter from the box. An orderly crowd invaded each other’s personal space as they shuffled towards the box on the desk. I was fortunate to see an R on the top of the pile and took it.
Stephen’s website is well worth a look to see what he has created.
I’ve been tired today, after the busy day yesterday. I have cleared and opened out the dining room table so that it can be used when I’m quilting. The table in my workroom isn’t big enough to accommodate this project.
Amber has been busy catching mice today!!! Two in the garage and one in the garden. B caught two in a trap in the garage, they have been chewing the bag of dog biscuits.
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